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Combined Authority committed to feasibility studies

The new Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, James Palmer, has announced in his 100-day plan he is committed to initiating feasibility studies on Light Rail and tunneling for Cambridge and the surrounding region. This development is very welcome, as Cambridge Connect has called for these feasibility studies since first publishing our proposals.

The detailed Terms of Reference for the studies need to be defined, and experts need to be engaged on technical topics. Particular aspects that need feasibility work include demand modelling, geotech and tunneling, route alignments, engineering, costs etc. and initial assessment of important environmental, architectural, heritage, landscape, social and economic constraints.

Cambridge Connect and our partners Railfuture and UKTram are keen to work towards accomplishing this important next step, and we hope the studies can be completed as quickly as is practical.

If you would like more information on Cambridge Connect or to offer support or technical advice, please visit

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